The Most Important Hand Rankings in Poker


The game of poker is a fascinating mix of strategy and misdirection, with a long and apocryphal history. The earliest known version in European history probably came from the 17th-century French game poque, from which the English word poker originates. Poque evolved into the German pochen and a modified version of primero, before French settlers brought it to North America. In the late nineteenth century, French settlers began playing poker in Las Vegas and spread the game to other parts of the world.

Hand rankings

Using hand rankings when playing poker can be helpful for you when making decisions in the game. While memorizing these can help you a lot, it’s not necessary. By understanding the various types of hands, you can maximize your winnings. Listed below are the most important hand rankings. Using these hand rankings can make your game more profitable and improve your decision-making skills. These hand rankings are not based on how many cards you have, but on how good of a hand you are holding.

Tie hands

A tie hand in poker is a situation when two players have the same five-card combination. Typically, the person with the higher pair wins. However, it can happen for several reasons, including certain board textures. Players should know the betting implications of tie hands. The following are some tips for identifying and betting on a tie hand in poker. A tie hand can happen in any game, but some poker boards make it more likely.

Highest possible hand

The highest hand in poker is called the Royal Flush. No hand can beat a Royal Flush. It is the highest straight flush and is a hand that has five of the same suit. Suit doesn’t matter in poker. Pairs of aces are always better than pairs of two-sevens and a pair of eights is the worst possible hand. A Royal Flush is worth a lot of money.